Lice (Pediculosis)
PTA funded lice checks will be provided by a professional vendor several times a year, beginning October with follow-up visits 2-3 weeks after initial diagnosis. Additional screenings are scheduled based on initial findings.
Lice Enders will provide an actual sample of infestation for confirmation.
Our school follows NYCDOE “No Head Lice” policy, which means that:
- Any student who has live head lice in their hair or scalp is not allowed to attend school until they received treatment.
- Following treatment, a child will be allowed back in school only if his/her hair is free of lice. Students will be re-examined by the Principal’s designee upon returning to school.
- Students who have been cleared of lice will be re-inspected in 14 calendar days (or closest school day if 14th day falls on weekend or holiday) by the principal’s designee.
- Students found to have head lice on re-examination will once again be excluded until they are lice free.
We recommend that you remind your child not to share personal items, such as brushes, combs, or hats with other students because lice pass from person-to-person by direct contact or by sharing clothing or personal items with lice on them.
If a student in your child’s class is found to have head lice, you will receive a written notice that recommends that you check all members of your household for lice and treat them as necessary. “The Facts About Head Lice” and “Guidance for Families on Getting Rid of Head Lice” pamphlets are available from the Main Office to assist you in providing prompt treatment for your child. If you have any further questions, please consult your healthcare provider or contact the school nurse at (212) 980-0294 ext. 1402.
If your child has head lice, please notify by email all of the following: Ms. Lauraine at, Ms. Crystal at, Ms. Seliger at and your classroom teacher. Once the school receives notification from a parent, a notice will be sent home to the affected class advising them that lice has been found among the class and that parents should be vigilant about carefully checking and monitoring hair in their family (no child will be identified).
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